HTML Email Developer Salary

Responsive HTML email template design and development can be highly rewarding as an entry level or long-term career path as a designer, developer, or freelancer.  According to Zip Recruiter the average html email developer salary is $88,000 per year while the average email designer salary is $65,000 annually, with Comparably setting the U.S. average salary at $72,892.  For HTML email developer freelancers, template projects range into the thousands for each email design.

Email Developer Salary Range

“So why are the salaries so high for a skillset that only requires someone to know HTML & CSS?”

The reason HTML Email Development pays so well for coding skills around HTML and CSS is because of all the nuances around email compatibility.  Unlink website design and development where there are just a handful of web browsers to comply with, which all use the same standards, email clients all have their own unique rendering engines for code output and there are lots of them.  Popular email client preview testing services typically test how email designs render on 80+ different versions or email clients across the web, desktop clients, and mobile phones.

In addition to making sure emails you develop look seamless across lots of different clients, companies hiring email developers also like to see prospects have skills in Photoshop and other Adobe programs such as DreamWeaver & Illustrator, email service providers like Mailchimp, email marketing best practices knowledge, and general UI/UX design knowledge.

So what’s the best way to get started in landing an email development job?  Landing an internship or an entry level position as a marketing coordinator where responsibilities surround managing and creating content for email lists can be one of the best ways to get in the door.  If you go this route, you will get plenty of exposure to best practices around email service providers and may be able to take on introductory coding responsibilities as well as email testing depending on how the employers email campaigns are generated.

Before applying to an email developer role, I recommend introductory HTML and CSS knowledge including the use of HTML tables for email templates. As a bonus, if you have introductory knowledge of an email service provider such as Mailchimp you will be highly desirable.

Learn more about getting an HTML email freelancing in the following video and read on below to see where you can find email developer career and freelance jobs:

YouTube player

Freelancing websites have become more and more popular with work from home roles on the rise since the start of covid. One of the most popular freelancing websites is UpWork that always has email development and design freelancing jobs listed on their site for the taking.  Meanwhile, there are always new job listing websites to be discovered but a good place to start searching for a responsive HTML email developer job is on indeed.

Good luck on your HTML email designer or developer journey and I hope to see you commenting on the Responsive HTML Email YouTube channel linked in the video above or inside of my email course linked below!